
During the early 1990s a group of dalit youths, adequately educated, came together to discuss their plight, the exploitation they were subjected to, the discrimination they used to suffer from, the lack of self esteem and self dignity and the chronic poverty they used to exist in. Assisted by a few NGOs and social activists, they assumed leadership roles and established Bhartiya Jan Sewa Ashram which was duly registered in 1992, with its headquarters at Badlapur block in Jaunpur district.

Legal Status

  • Registered under Societies Registration Act, 1860 vide Registration No.709/1992-93 dated 13 November 1992
  • Registered under Foreign Contribution Regulation Act vide Registration No. 136510005

Since its inception, BJSA started making efforts to bring about a change and improvement in the living standard of the poor, deprived, dalit and women in the operational area. Viewing development as a process of empowerment, it tried to ensure people’s participation through the formation of CBOs and groups at the local level.

It took up with the issues of education, health and livelihood. The strategy was to empower the people to gain access to their requirements that are already available through government sponsored schemes, and use of tools like PRIs, CBOs, and others. It was aimed at providing target groups their rightful place in the society like any other citizen without being bracketed in the shackle of caste, class or religion. BJSA is sensitive to the life and strife of the people ever since it came into existence, and is resolved to continue its mission.

The rights based approach adopted by the organisation has brought the target groups to the centre stage. It also developed good relations with the government at block and district level.